About Dot-o-mator

Dot-o-mator is a domain name generator. It combines lists of words to create potential domain names, then checks the availability of these names. The Dot-o-mator main page uses DNS zone files to check for availability. This is very fast, but not 100% accurate; some domain names may be registered but not have DNS records. Use the Dot-o-mator Scratchbox to do an accurate domain availability check with the registrar.

Dot-o-mator uses Namecheap as our preferred registrar, and we refer and recommend them, but you can register Dotomator-generated domains anywhere you like. We do earn a commission if you register a domain with Namecheap after clicking on a link here.

Dot-o-mator and the Dot-o-mator iPhone app was developed by Kira Matrejek (e-mail / website / LinkedIn). The first version of this site (as the "Web 2.0 Name Generator") launched in 2007 and was written in JavaScript+jQuery. Dot-o-mator downloads the entire .COM Zone file database (about 24 gigabytes) every morning, parses that data with several Perl scripts, and stores the .com domain names in a database for quick lookups.

An app update (plus an Android version) are in the works. Join the announcements list to get notified of new apps and new Dot-o-mator features!